Wednesday, October 30, 2019

MARKET RESEARCH Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

MARKET RESEARCH - Essay Example â€Å"Different kinds of market research need to be conducted during different periods in the life cycle of a company and those of a product† (Hewitt, 2011). For a market oriented company like Kellogg’s, market research adds business value and improves the company’s competitive advantage. Before launching a new product, Kellogg’s usually conducts a market research to understand the preference of consumers concerning new products and this helps them to reduce the chances of failure. The major difference between qualitative and quantitative research are that the qualitative one is subjective and the quantitative one is mainly objective. Inductive method is used in qualitative while the deductive method is used in quantitative research. The qualitative research is text-based whereas the quantitative one is number-based. The method used under qualitative research involves focus groups and in-depth interviews while surveys and structured interviews are the meth ods adopted in quantitative research. Qualitative research focuses on smaller groups, on the other hand, the quantitative one deals with larger groups. The former one spends more time for selecting subjects, while the latter takes more time on data processing. The data collected using qualitative research is unstructured whereas quantitative research collects structured data. â€Å"Kellogg’s has flourished through skilful marketing of good products, and by creating and sustaining a highly valuable brand name† (Kellogg’s: Revitalizing a valued character, n.d). Kellogg’s company faces the problem of innovation when compared to other competitors. Further qualitative and quantitative research is necessary to know the consumer preference and to increase the demand for commodities. Competition from other companies can only be reduced by introducing new innovative products, which is possible through market research. The problem of substitute goods is faced by th e company, which can be tackled only through perfect knowledge about the market and this further increases the need for market research. To expand market internationally, the knowledge of foreign market is a must and so further qualitative and quantitative research is required. Section 2- Findings from marketing research: Critically analyze the 4 stages that Kellogg’s underwent in order to launch the new Crunchy Nut bites. Provide a critical analysis for each stage. Also provide 2 suggestions to improve Kellogg’s marketing research in this instance. Kellogg’s is concentrating on importance of market research during the launch and development of Crunchy Nut bites. Kellogg’s undertook four different stages of research in order to develop this new product. Stage 1: Discovery: Kellogg’s is a market oriented organization, wherein, market oriented means that the entire organization focuses on the needs of its customers. So, in order to find the needs of the customers, Kellogg’s has done a research to identify a set of new food ideas that would be appropriate for developing the new Crunchy Nut product. The company has also conducted secondary research to find out modern trends in the cereal market and to acknowledge new products, flavors and food from around the world. â€Å"Kellogg’s have a world-class food research and development facility, Kellogg’s food scientists, nutritionist and engineers turn wholesome grains and other

Monday, October 28, 2019

Pacific Northwest History Essay Example for Free

Pacific Northwest History Essay This paper will present, and ultimately prove that the Pacific Northwest of the United States has undergone economic, racial, environmental, and political changes due to events such as World War II, the emigration of people from the Midwestern U. S. , etc. The Pacific Northwest of the United States has for generations been a land that provided the substances that the rest of the country needed in order to survive and thrive. From the times of the earliest explorers to the region, throughout the 1800s, the economy of this region relied on the production of raw materials and natural products, such as lumber, produce, fresh fish, and the like, leading experts on the area to refer to the Northwest as â€Å"the hinterland† of the U. S. (Schwantes). This economic model changed drastically with the outbreak of World War II, which led to the Northwest becoming a center of aircraft production, shipbuilding, and other industries related to the war effort, but different from the traditional products that came from the region. Forces at work in the Region to Cause or Fuel a Changing Economy Having the luxury of viewing the history of the Pacific Northwest in retrospect over the past century or so, speaking in general terms, there were several major forces at work which ultimately caused, or fueled a changing economy. While these forces are explained in greater detail in subsequent sections of this paper, they warrant identification and a brief explanation at this point to set the stage for the research that follows. In no particular order, the forces that facilitated the changing economy of the Pacific Northwest are as follows: ENVIRONMENTAL- The eventual industrial development of the Northwest changed the environment, depleting many natural resources, such as the timber, precious metals, and fish that helped the people of the Northwest to provide for them and export these natural products worldwide. However, once these resources were exhausted, the region was forced to turn to manufacturing of durable goods to sustain themselves, such as the many products the region turned out in support of the campaigns of World War II. ETHNIC- Events that transpired during the World War II area changed the racial composition of the Pacific Northwest, with its effects being felt even today. To be more specific, when the United States was forced into World War II as a result of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the fighting was focused mostly on the Pacific Ocean area, which made the Northwest highly important logistically for the American troops, and launched a massive war industry, including aircrafts, ships, and soldier supplies. What this industrialization did for the region was to draw people from the rural areas to live in cities, making the region more urban than rural, and likewise attracting minorities from other parts of the nation, changing the ethnic composition of the region as a whole. Additionally, the movement of Americans from the â€Å"dustbowl† of the Midwest to the lush and fertile lands of the Northwest brought new cultures, traditions and hard working people to the region. POLITICAL- Because of the move of many people from a rural to an urban environment, and the increased presence of minorities and the Americans who came from the Midwest, the attitudes and value systems of the region changed, as reflected in voting patterns and political attitudes which now focused on urban issues such as poverty, crime, and social programs, whereas the previous rural way of life focused more on environmental concerns and the like. ECONOMIC- The proliferation of industry in the Pacific Northwest, beginning in the era of World War II, changed the economy from a natural/agricultural one to a largely industrial one. These changes were not all generated from within; rather, they often took place as a result of forces beyond the Northwest. Those forces are identified and discussed in the next portion of the research.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Internet Regulation :: Internet Essays

Internet Regulation What is the Internet? The definition of the Internet put in one sentence is: A worldwide network of computer networks that use the TCP/IP network protocols to facilitate data transmission and exchange, where anyone with a computer can access the internet through an ISP (Internet Service Provider). The Internet consists of a three level hierarchy composed of backbone networks (e.g. ARPAnet, NSFNet, MILNET), mid-level networks, and stub networks. These include commercial (.com or .co), university (.ac or .edu) and other research networks (.org, .net) and military (.mil) networks and span many different physical networks around the world with various protocols, chiefly the Internet Protocol. The Internet is a global network connecting millions of personal, institutional and company computers. The number of computers used by the internet is growing rapidly. The United States is connected with over 100 countries worldwide and linked together to exchange of data, news and opinions. The Internet is decentralized design. This means that there isn't just one computer that stores all of the information from the Internet. There are many independent host servers located throughout the US and the world that store the information made available to the global Internet community. The Internet is primarily used for these functions: 1. To send and receive e-mail. 2. To transfer files from one computer to another (the files may be text, images, audio, video, etc.). 3. Research to locate information for either government, educational, commercial, etc. 4. To communicate with other computers, either one at a time (Instant message) or many at once (chat rooms or discussion groups). The internet is a work in progress and will continue to evolve. What is Internet Regulation? Internet regulation is basically restricting or controlling access to certain aspects or information. Internet regulation consists of mainly two categories: Censorship of data, and controlling aspects of the Internet. Most of the Internet regulation is imposed by the Government in an effort to protect the best interest of the general public and is concerned with some form of censorship. Other forms of Internet regulation is domain registration, IP address control, etc. In domain registration, once a domain is purchased the Webmaster’s address has to be registered at the time of purchase. A governmental agency can track someone down if they put up information, that the government considers unacceptable. IP address is you Internet identity when you are connected to the web. It is synonymous to a postal address.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Abortion Essay

Lucinda Seongbae Eng : Persuasive essay on abortion Prof. Fitzgerald A Positive View on Pro Abortion Abortion has been a controversy for many years and viewed in many different perspectives. Some individuals see it from a very positive point when this is being caused by the nature of the woman’s health, the age and others. It may also be seen as a way of getting rid of an unwanted or accidental pregnancy for reasons that are positive and beneficial for most women. According to feminist perspectives on reproduction and the family, in some cases abortion can be a positive act depending on the cause. For instance, in the case of a rape, health reasons or in the case of having an unwanted child for reasons of age, marital status, and economical reasons abortion is a potent tool to undo some mistakes. However, whichever ways it is perceived abortion gives a woman the right to choose and should not be viewed as a negative act but instead can be seen as a positive act in most circumstances. Based on the many positive reasons for abortion, abortion should be supported. Concerning the woman’s health an abortion can be performed when the woman cannot hold the fetus for health reasons. For example a woman who has AIDs and the fetus infected already can obtain an abortion because there is no life for the baby. Also a woman who has cancer at an advanced stage cannot keep a child in her womb or she will risk dying at birth. In the case of some diseases, kidney disease, severe hypertension, sickle-cell anemia, severe diabetes, etc that can be life threatening, an abortion often helps to avoid serious medical complications from childbirth. This also brings emphasis to Roe V. Wade (1973), which granted women the right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, based on an implicit fundamental right to privacy and argued that it must be weighed against competing state interests in maternal safety and the protection of prenatal life; it protected this right during the first trimester of pregnancy (Thompson, 50). At this juncture the person has very good justifications of her action and is considered a positive act on her part. Another positive issue concerning abortion is a situation where girls below fifteen years are pregnant. In such situation abortion is possible because the girls are too young for child bearing. Also in situations where very young girls have little or no health facilities to ensure safe delivery, such as in developing countries, abortion is the only possible answer in order to avoid some major complication. According to researcher Mayor, complications from pregnancy and childbirth are the leading cause of death in young women aged fifteen to nineteen in developing countries. An estimated 70,000 adolescent mothers die each year because they have children before they are physically ready for parenthood, and more than 90% of these births are in developing countries the report says (www. bmjjournals. com). In this case, if a girl of these ages chooses to get an abortion to avoid complications of childbirth and/or death she is only making a positive decision for her life. According to those against abortion or those who perceive abortion as a negative act, one would argue that since life begins at conception, abortion is akin to murder as it is the act of taking human life. Abortion is in direct defiance of the commonly accepted idea of the sanctity of human life. In contrary, most abortions take place in the first trimester, when a fetus cannot exist independent of the mother. As it is attached by the placenta and umbilical cord, its health is dependent on her health, and cannot be regarded as a separate entity as it cannot exist outside her womb. Therefore, in this case abortion cannot be considered murder. According to Thomson (1971), â€Å"if women have rights over their own bodies, then they have rights not to have their bodies used by others against their will† (Thompson, 35-65). Therefore, even if it is argued that the fetus is a human life, the state has no right to force someone to donate use of their body to another person, even if that person is in extreme need. Another may argue that those who choose abortions are often minors or young women with insufficient life experience to understand fully what they are doing. Many have lifelong regrets afterwards. In defense to that, teenagers who become mothers have grim prospects for the future. They are much more likely to leave school; receive inadequate prenatal care; rely on public ssistance to raise a child; develop health problems; or end up divorced. Teenage births are associated with lower annual income for the mother. According to researcher Stanley, eighty percent of teen mothers must rely on welfare at some point. Teenage mothers are more likely to drop out of school. Only about one-third of teen mothers obtain a high school diploma. Teenage pregnancies are associated with increased rates of alcohol a nd substance abuse, and lower educational level (www. womenshealthchannel. com/teenpregnacy. index). In the modern world, abortions have become a norm of life and should not be looked upon as a negative act but an act of making a positive decision to undo some mistakes in life. Though women have been endowed with the gift of bearing a life form, an abortion gives them the option of whether they want to keep the present or not. However, an abortion should not be misunderstood for a convenience, as it does have its own advantages and disadvantages. The bigger picture that is being stressed is bodily integrity and self-ownership.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cultural Conflict in Michael Moore’s “Roger and Me”

In Dario Fo’s â€Å"Accidental Death of an Anarchist,† a character asks: â€Å"Where are all these poor people I keep hearing about? I go to a lot of parties, and I never meet any of them.† In his movie â€Å"Roger and Me† Michael Moore depicts the story when the general public can meet those poor people.   The film is a documentary about the effect of General Motors plant closing in Flint, Michigan, in the mid-1980s. From the critical point of view, â€Å"Roger and Me† constitutes a sardonic picture of corporate social responsibility, everlasting social and cultural conflict (once greatly emphasized by Marx) between working class and capitalists, now often covered in the image of managers and corporate specialists.   Simultaneously, the film can be perceived as unsuccessful attempt of the artist to abstract from pitiful effects of the event (plant closing) and to create unbiased actual picture. Practically, Moore’s â€Å"Roger and Me† represents documentary of satire, social revolt and prejudice. After the closing of plant Michael Moore tried to get in with Roger Smith, head of GM in Detroit, to invite him to Flint for a look at what had happened to people there. Practically, Moore never got near Smith, therefore he created a documentary, where people and some facts spoke for themselves.   The conflict between big company and workers regarding the issues of corporate social responsibility remains to be urgent and sensitive.   From the critical point of view, there is nothing wrong with attacking General Motors.   This company along with the vast majority of multinational corporations surely deserves to be attacked. Criticism, fair or unfair, whether de ­served or not, is a price people pay to live in a free society. Thus, Michael Moore had every right to make his smash-hit documentary film.   Like any advocate, surely he had the right to present only one side of a case. Simultaneously, there is a difference between fair and unfair criti ­cism, just as there is a difference between truth and factual distortion.   Fair criticism challenges the actions of a person or an organization, examines something your opponent has done, and attacks him or her for it. Even if it may hurt the person criticized, fair criticism contributes vigor and health to a free society. It helps check abuse of power, corruption and wrongdoing. Unfair criticism uses lies and distor ­tions to accuse someone of things he has not done and wouldn't do. Unfair criticism blames him for things beyond his control. Unfair criticism uses innuendo to attack him for things that can't be said outright because they are untrue. Unfair criticism employs dirty techniques of filmmaking (or other distortions) and degrades and endangers a free society, because it dam ­ages public trust in our institutions. Indi ­vidual judgment decides at what point unfairness becomes outright dishonesty. Michael Moore begins his story by saying, â€Å"Maybe I got this wrong, but I thought companies lay off people when they hit hard times. GM was the richest company in the world, and was closing factories when it was making profits in the billions†¦ GM Chairman Roger Smith appeared to have a brilliant plan: First, close 11 factories in the U.S., then open 11 in Mexico where you pay the workers 70 cents an hour. Then use the money you save by building cars in Mexico to take over other companies, and prefer ­ably high-tech firms and weapons manu ­facturers. Next, tell the union you're broke and they happily agree to give back a couple billion dollars in wage cuts.†Ã‚   The situation depicted by Moore seems to be outrageous. However, if critically examined GM could not sell Flint-made cars unless it modernized obsolete factories.   Moreover, in during that period GM’s average salary under the United Auto Workers contract was $15.36 compared to the national industry average of $9.07 (Kauffmann, 10). General Motors did build Mexican facto ­ries and employ low-cost, unskilled labor to assemble wire and cable â€Å"harnesses† for GM cars. The wire and cables in those harnesses were manufactured in the United States. To stay competitive, GM had to reduce the cost of hand-assembly of the harnesses. So, it worked out an agreement with the Mexican government to provide needed unskilled jobs in poverty-stricken areas of Mexico. The Mexican government then allowed GM to manufacture more cars for the Mexican (not the U.S.) market (Kauffmann, 11). Moore's camera shows an auto worker who had suffered a mental breakdown. â€Å"He cracked one night while working on the assembly line. He was now shooting hoops at the local mental health center.† Was Moore honest in blaming GM and Roger Smith because his friend had a mental breakdown? GM refuses to dis ­cuss whether the man had a previous record of mental instability, because, the company says, personnel records are con ­fidential. Was Moore honest in showing a gun-toting crazed man shot down in the street by police, to support his claim that GM layoffs had caused crime rates to soar in Flint? Moore failed to mention that crime has dropped 13 percent since 1986, when the major layoffs took place (Schwammenthal, 7). Instead of soaring, as Moore says, crime in Flint dropped 5 percent in the first half of last year, while violent crime across the United States increased 5 percent during the same period (Schwammenthal, 7). If assesses critically, Michael Moore technique can be characterized as untruth persuasion since he, being a talented director and experienced persuader, focused exclusively on the negative sides of the closing, hence corporate social responsibility in the context.   From the personal point of view, Moore abstracts from the core of the problem, social conflict, and speculates on â€Å"working class mentality.† Bob Eubanks of â€Å"The Newly-wed Game† is included as he ridicules Jews with a vile anti-Semitic remark. Moore himself ridicules a pretty young Miss Michigan, who, at the time of his â€Å"ambush interview† was more concerned with being chosen as Miss America than she was qualified to discuss economic conditions in Flint (White, 1). Moore ridicules a ho ­mosexual in a way that the film critic of the Chicago Tribune called â€Å"the lowest kind of gay-bashing, a crude crowd-pleasing gesture† (Schwammenthal, 7). Moore’s documentary becomes the picture full of controversies. Practically, the film could consolidate the general public and authorities over the problems in Flint, however its sardonic, nihilistic and controversial character does not offer any resolution and brings the conflict to the very top. Bibliography Kauffmann, Stanley. â€Å"Films & the Arts: Cars and Other Vehicles,† The New Republic. Washington: Jan 22, 1990. Vol. 202, Iss. 4 Joseph B. White. â€Å"Movie That Attacks GM, Roger Smith Opens in Flint, Michigan.† Wall Street Journal (Eastern edition), New York, N.Y.: Dec 21, 1989 Daniel Schwammenthal. â€Å"In the Fray: Michael's Manipulations,† The Chicago Tribune. Chicago, May 19, 1990      

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Politidcal theory essays

Politidcal theory essays The ideas of the Enlightenment became popular during the American and French Revolutions. These main ideas of the Enlightenment philosophers were that every natural phenomenon had a cause and effect. They felt that truth is arrived at by reason and there is a natural law that governs the universe. In America in the mid 18th Century the consciousness of the colonists were triggered. They realized their distance from the King in Great Britain and rethought their loyalties. They felt that the king did not have a right to profit off the land they worked on. Money was a central factor in rebellion. Because the British protected the colonists in the French Indian War and the crown spent manpower and money to protect the colonies they felt that the colonists must repay the debt. Therefore, they enforced the Stamp Act, which taxed documents and newspapers. The colonists felt that taxation should be the job of a local government and not of one overseas. Later the British enforced the Declaratory Act, which emphasized the British right to tax the colonies, and further taxed import and exports. This infuriated the colonists who boycotted goods coming to America. This is the beginning of the American Revolution. Soon after the First Continental Congress was formed and on July 4th 1776 the 2nd Continental Congress signed the Declaration of independence. Finally in 1783 with the Treaty of Paris the United States was legally given independence. In 18th Century France the system of aristocratic privilege and serfdom dominated politics and society. The Church received tithes and paid no taxes. The nobility was exempt from most taxes, collected dues from the peasantry, and held virtually every government office, simply because they were born into the right families. The rapidly growing middle class, or bourgeois, and peasantry paid all the taxes and had no political power and little social influence. These inequalities were based...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Difference btw Law and moral essays

Difference btw Law and moral essays Basic Observations on Law and Morality At first there seems to be no distinction between law and morality. There are passages in ancient Greek writers, for example, which seem to suggest that the good person is the one who will do what is lawful. It is the lawgivers, in these early societies, who determine what is right and wrong. But it is not long before thoughtful people recognize the difference between what is actually legal, or legally right according to the political authorities and what should be legal. What should be legal roughly corresponds to what is really right or just, that is, what we would call morally right. We find, for instance, the distinction between what is legally or conventionally right and what is naturally (or as we would say today morally) right. Sometimes this is expressed as an opposition between what the gods command (i.e., what is morally right) and what the political authorities command (i.e., what is legally right). This is dramatically illustrated in Sophocles' tragedy Antigone, in whic h the heroine defies the decree of the king (the source of "legal right" in the circumstances) and buries her brothers (an act the audience would assume was morally right). The contrast between what the state demands and what the gods demand is not the only way that this legal v. moral distinction is expressed. We find it also in the important Greek philosophers, who frequently discuss the distinction in terms of appearance and reality, or between what superficially seems or appears to be the case and what a thorough rational investigation reveals. Plato, for example, holds that knowledge of what is just or moral, and the ability to distinguish true justice or morality from what is merely apparently just depends on the full development and use of human reason. According to Plato, there is a very close connection between true justice or morality and human well-being or flourishing. Legal and political arrangements that...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Definition and Examples of Secondary Data Analysis

Definition and Examples of Secondary Data Analysis Secondary data analysis is the analysis of data that was collected by someone else. Below, we’ll review the definition of secondary data, how it can be used by researchers, and the pros and cons of this type of research. Key Takeaways: Secondary Data Analysis Primary data refers to data that researchers have collected themselves, while secondary data refers to data that was collected by someone else.Secondary data is available from a variety of sources, such as governments and research institutions.While using secondary data can be more economical, existing data sets may not answer all of a researcher’s questions. Comparison of Primary and Secondary Data In social science research, the terms primary data and secondary data are common parlance. Primary data is collected by a researcher or team of researchers for the specific purpose or analysis under consideration. Here, a research team conceives of and develops a research project, decides on a sampling technique, collects data designed to address specific questions, and performs their own analyses of the data they collected. In this case, the people involved in the data analysis are familiar with the research design and data collection process. Secondary data analysis, on the other hand, is the use of data that was collected by someone else for some other purpose. In this case, the researcher poses questions that are addressed through the analysis of a data set that they were not involved in collecting. The data was not collected to answer the researcher’s specific research questions and was instead collected for another purpose. This means that the same data set can actually be a primary data set to one researcher and a secondary data set to a different one. Using Secondary Data There are some important things that must be done before using secondary data in an analysis. Since the researcher did not collect the data, its important for them to become familiar with the data set: how the data was collected, what the response categories are for each question, whether or not weights need to be applied during the analysis, whether or not clusters or stratification need to be accounted for, who the population of study was, and more. A great deal of secondary data resources and data sets are available for sociological research, many of which are public and easily accessible. The United States Census, the General Social Survey, and the American Community Survey are some of the most commonly used secondary data sets available. Advantages of Secondary Data Analysis The biggest advantage of using secondary data is that it can be more economical. Someone else has already collected the data, so the researcher does not have to devote money, time, energy and resources to this phase of research. Sometimes the secondary data set must be purchased, but the cost is almost always lower than the expense of collecting a similar data set from scratch, which usually entails salaries, travel and transportation, office space, equipment, and other overhead costs. In addition, since the data is already collected and usually cleaned and stored in electronic format, the researcher can spend most of their  time analyzing the data instead of getting the data ready for analysis. A second major advantage of using secondary data is the breadth of data available. The federal government conducts numerous studies on a large, national scale that individual researchers would have a difficult time collecting. Many of these data sets are also longitudinal, meaning that the same data has been collected from the same population over several different time periods. This allows researchers to look at trends and changes of phenomena over time. A third important advantage of using secondary data is that the data collection process often maintains a level of expertise and professionalism that may not be present with individual researchers or small research projects. For example, data collection for many federal data sets is often performed by staff members who specialize in certain tasks and have many years of experience in that particular area and with that particular survey. Many smaller research projects do not have that level of expertise, as a lot of  data is collected by students working part-time. Disadvantages of Secondary Data Analysis A major disadvantage of using secondary data is that it may not answer the researcher’s specific research questions or contain specific information that the researcher would like to have. It also may not have been collected in the geographic region or during the years desired, or with the specific population that the researcher is interested in studying. For example, a researcher who is interested in studying adolescents may find that the secondary data set only includes young adults.   Additionally, since the researcher did not collect the data, they have no control over what is contained in the data set. Often times this can limit the analysis or alter the original questions the researcher sought to answer. For example, a researcher who is studying happiness and optimism might find that a secondary data set only includes one of these variables, but not both. A related problem is that the variables may have been defined or categorized differently than the researcher would have chosen. For example, age may have been collected in categories rather than as a continuous variable, or race may be defined as â€Å"white† and â€Å"other† instead of containing categories for every major race. Another significant disadvantage of using secondary data is that the researcher doesnt know exactly how the data collection process was done or how well it was carried out. The researcher is not usually privy to information about how seriously the data is affected by problems such as low response rate or respondent misunderstanding of specific survey questions. Sometimes this information is readily available, as is the case with many federal data sets. However, many other secondary data sets are not accompanied by this type of information and the analyst must learn to read between the lines in order to uncover any potential limitations of the data.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

(social Work) Mental health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

(social Work) Mental health - Essay Example This is when the social workers come in to contain and help the individual control and master their emotions (Howe 2008, p.2). Social workers dealing with mental health work with such individuals to help them overcome their mental disorders. They resolve these disorders, usually associated with families that have a line of mental health illness or those with psychosocial problems. However, some social problems lead to mental disorders such as unemployment, poverty, family distress, trauma and disability. These problems usually lead to emotional imbalance resulting in suicidal thoughts, depression, relationship problems, anxiety, family conflicts, personality disorders, and trauma and adjustment issues. The social workers provide a range of interventions that are evidence-based which focus on bringing out solutions such as psycho education, detailed psychosocial assessment and narrative therapy (Adams, Dominelli & Payne 2009, p.xvi). Mental health workers play a major role in rehabilitating the life of the individual with mental disorders. This multiplies further to bring peace, harmony and relaxation in families and communities in which these individuals reside. In the end, mental health social workers create a great and positive impact in the community at large (Crawford & Walker 2007, p.20). Mental health services have three broad divisions, which a social worker can either choose to specialize exclusively in one setting or practice across the broad of the three. These health care application programs include treatment, prevention and rehabilitation. Prevention targets to reduce cases of the disorder by modifying stressful environments. Treatment targets at reducing the existing cases of dysfunction in the society, which include processes such as intervention and diagnosis. Rehabilitation main aim is to reduce the after effects caused by a disorder by retraining the individual to

Ask week 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ask week 2 - Essay Example For example, organizations with individuals that have build up their values to represent the interest of the organization; can have a distinct culture that helps it overcome its challenges. This is believed to be under the guidance of organization’s code of ethics. What are advantages of exposure of individuals to defining moments? It is apparent that personal ethics are strengthened by such moments (Stouten, Dijke and Cremer 2011). It is such moments that individuals are faced by ethical issues that application of leadership skills is vital. Of the three framework of questions, the third questions â€Å"who is the company† can be viewed as the determinacy of how your workplace problem can be solve. Explain. This is a very crucial question to view when trying to solve any workplace problem. The focus is diverted from the point of individual values to that of the company. This way, the individuals in the organization view challenges emanation from the organization as ones requiring professionalism and leadership traits. Gick (2003) argues that disposition or natural tendency to behave in a particular way towards code of ethics should be consistent. Why do you think this is vital? The contention is that people should be in a position to adapt ethical behavior to the prevailing ethical culture. Why do you think that non compliance with individuals and organization to exhibit high moral and ethical standards in business decisions is the root cause of your workplace problem? According to Small (2011), compliance to a strict moral code enhance high moral and ethical behavior by people. How can your organization mitigate the tensions between your code of ethics and relationship with external stakeholders? According to Badaracco (1998), mitigation of the tensions between code of ethics and the relationship with external stakeholders should involve

Friday, October 18, 2019

History of fox news Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

History of fox news - Essay Example The Fox News Channel (FNC) is available to a little more than 85 million households in the United States, and even more internationally. The network is based in the U.S. and broadcasts primarily out of its studio in New York City. The Fox News Channel is currently the highest rated cable News Channel. Initially founded by the Australian-American mogul Rupert Murdoch in 1996, the FNC has grown to become the most influential cable news network today. Rupert Murdoch initially created the Fox News Network to represent the conservative point of view in America. At the time, in 1996, Murdoch felt that there was a great need for this niche to be filled in media, as at the time the majority of media was predominantly liberal. The network was designed with the intention of grabbing the attention of viewers. The visual presentation the network uses has been very influential in the presentation of news. Colorful and attention grabbing graphics were designed to constantly remain on the screen, as well as textboxes displaying one-liners summarizing the current topics. This was believed to incite the viewer's interests and increase their understanding of any message the network was attempting to relay. Another attention getter designed by the network is the Fox News Alert, it was designed to interrupt regular programming when breaking stories occurred. The news alerts were designed with swooshing graphics that would fill up the screen and a sharp chiming noise. (Fig1, Wikipedia) This is just an example of the aggressive tactics Murdoch used to launch the network. To rush the networks accessibility, Murdoch paid 11$ per subscribers to cable companies to increase the channels distribution. This was a revolutionary This conflict has led to much controversy surrounding the network. The Controversy In a survey done by the Project for Excellence in Journalism, in 2004, the article cited Fox News as the single news outlet that strikes most journalists as taking a particular ideological stance (2006). Corresponding with this, the Democratic National Committee identified Fox News as a rightwing outlet (York, 2006). On CNN's Larry King during a Jan 17, 2007 interview with the Chicago Sun-Times, King spoke on his opinion of the Network, They're Republican a brand. They're an extension of the Republican Party with some exceptions, [like] Greta van Susteren. But I don't begrudge them that. [Fox CEO] Roger Ailes is an

Human Reasorce Mangment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human Reasorce Mangment - Essay Example All this is deemed to be in tune with the specific requirements of the organization (Bloisi, 2007). Before the review and after Caf Co adopted its new outlook of its human resource management, its human resource management had a number of similarities with its new outlook on human resource management. One of the similarities was that Caf Co recognized its personnel as the most important asset of the company and to this end various amendments were made to benefit the workforce of the caf. There was also the aspect that the human resource of the organization was deemed as a very important channel of the caf achieving its objectives and goals and this played a very important part in ensuring that the personnel were well trained and recruited to ensure that they met their objectives. This brought about the similarity that the personnel of the organization were well trained and also that new employees were well recruited before joining the organization. There was also the fact that the employees were handpicked from the best selection the market had to offer and old employees were subj ected to refresher course at a certain period. This method of human resource management can be classified as the classical form of human resource management (Marchington, 2005). When Caf Co adopted its new human resource management, the human resource though being deemed as one o... When this perspective was undertaken by the organization, the human resource of the organization started receiving extra benefits which were deemed as motivators for the personnel to accomplish their objectives and also realize their targets. To this effect the benefits were awarded to various individuals who showed that they were capable of achieving the 4Cs which denotes competence, congruence, competence and cost effectiveness. This new outlook by Caf Co indicated that they had adopted the Harvard human resource management which advocates for these policies to be implemented by any organization (Bloisi, 2007). 2. Necessity of more responsibility in the line management It is important for the management of any organization to portray a high degree of responsibility in their human resource management. This is especially true to the line management because in this aspect the management is responsible for the administration of all human resource activities which when brought together plays an important part in ensuring the organizational output is well coordinated to meet the organization's objectives as well as targets. When the management portrays an attitude of more responsibility, the personnel will also view the various projects as very important and in turn will put more effort in ensuring that the objectives are met. The supervising role that the management will play will act as a motivator for the personnel to ensure that they submit a high quality results. This will in turn play a very important role in ensuring that the organization offers the clients high quality products and services and this will play a very important role in improving t he public outlook of the organization. In this respect, the sales base of the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Social Responsibility of a Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Social Responsibility of a Business - Essay Example Quite often, businessmen can be found expressing their concerns upon the social responsibilities of business. In the modern age, people have become extremely conscious about the issues of health and safety, and sustainability. Having sufficiently achieved the necessities of life, people, organizations, and agencies all are now heading towards achieving psychological contentment. That is why, issues like sustainable development have become a major concern in the contemporary age unlike past, when bringing the industrial revolution was more important that keeping environment healthy with a compromise upon development of technology. As businesses are the key drivers of economy and the practices adopted by business entrepreneurs play a decisive role in the maintenance of health and safety of the environment, a lot of debate has conventionally occurred regarding the relationship between business and society. This gave rise to the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR). CSR had e volved as a concept to define the link between business and society (Klonoski, 1991 cited in Shah and Chen, 2010, p. 118). One of the leading scholars who have conventionally participated heavily in the debate of relationship between business and society is Carroll (1979) who defined the corporate social responsibility in these words, â€Å"The social responsibility of business encompasses the economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary expectations that society has of organizations at a given point of time† (Carroll, 1979, p. 500). There are six basic responsibilities of the CSR as indicated in the figure below: Responsibilities of CSR (Rotariu and Ilies, 2011, p. 13). Another useful and well constructed definition of CSR is that it is â€Å"a prominent feature of the business and society literature, addressing topics of business ethics, corporate social performance, global corporate citizenship, and stakeholder management† (D’Amato, Henderson, and Florence, 20 09, p. 2). In addition to CSR, another term that has been coined some time ago and that also explains the public concerns with business is public relations (PR). A comprehensive definition of public relations is; â€Å"PR practice is the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, counseling organizational leaders, and implementing planned programs of action which will serve both organization and public interest† (Wilcox et al. 2003 cited in Sinh, 2007). According to Grunig (2006 cited in Jones and Bartlett, 2009, p, 1), the biggest difficulty practitioners of public relations encounter is the enrollment of public relations in the business practices as an acknowledged management function. The social dimension of a business: Business in society exists because of Social Will. Society permits business to extract the resources that nature has given it since time immemorial, to market products and to provide necessary services to its members with the least side-effects on existing morality, social relationships, and the environment. (Alweiss, 2009). Social conscience of the business requires the entrepreneurs to provide the public with job opportunities, eradicate discrimination from the workplace on the basis of race, gender, religion and culture etc, and adopt such business practices that make it green, environment friendly and sustainable.

Marketing Plan Report - Introducing Five Guys Burger to Kuwait Assignment

Marketing Plan Report - Introducing Five Guys Burger to Kuwait - Assignment Example Using promotion aligned with psychographic traits related to the consumer behaviour, Five Guys can gain brand recognition and, ultimately, brand preference with its focus on integrated marketing communications and positioning on quality. Five Guys Burger Restaurants is a casual, fast food restaurant headquartered in Fairfax, Virginia in the United States. The company maintains a menu that is focused on hamburgers, kosher hot dogs and a variety of different sandwiches. Between 2010 and 2011, the company experienced revenue growth of over 32 percent (York 2012). In the United States, Five Guys Burger is positioned as being a better burger, with a high level of emphasis on quality ingredients to differentiate the business from domestic American competition. However, the U.S. marketplace, in terms of fast food restaurants, is highly saturated and it is difficult to achieve growth in a rapidly maturing market. As a result, Five Guys Burger Restaurants is seeking new market opportunities in foreign markets where there is less competitive saturation and where consumer characteristics are favourable for achieving market growth and building a positive brand reputation. This report identifies potential market opportunities in Kuwait, a developing nation, for Five Guys Burger to establish a potent competitive identity. The report provides justification for market entry in this country, an analysis of competitors in the region, the cultural profile for viable consumer segments in Kuwait, and an appropriate targeting strategy and positioning strategy to achieve the objectives of growth for the company. Additionally, the report provides appropriate recommendations, based on market conditions, for ensuring success in this new foreign investment. Five Guys differs from its other American competitors, offering only fresh beef and promoting that the company does not maintain any freezers in its

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Social Responsibility of a Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Social Responsibility of a Business - Essay Example Quite often, businessmen can be found expressing their concerns upon the social responsibilities of business. In the modern age, people have become extremely conscious about the issues of health and safety, and sustainability. Having sufficiently achieved the necessities of life, people, organizations, and agencies all are now heading towards achieving psychological contentment. That is why, issues like sustainable development have become a major concern in the contemporary age unlike past, when bringing the industrial revolution was more important that keeping environment healthy with a compromise upon development of technology. As businesses are the key drivers of economy and the practices adopted by business entrepreneurs play a decisive role in the maintenance of health and safety of the environment, a lot of debate has conventionally occurred regarding the relationship between business and society. This gave rise to the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR). CSR had e volved as a concept to define the link between business and society (Klonoski, 1991 cited in Shah and Chen, 2010, p. 118). One of the leading scholars who have conventionally participated heavily in the debate of relationship between business and society is Carroll (1979) who defined the corporate social responsibility in these words, â€Å"The social responsibility of business encompasses the economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary expectations that society has of organizations at a given point of time† (Carroll, 1979, p. 500). There are six basic responsibilities of the CSR as indicated in the figure below: Responsibilities of CSR (Rotariu and Ilies, 2011, p. 13). Another useful and well constructed definition of CSR is that it is â€Å"a prominent feature of the business and society literature, addressing topics of business ethics, corporate social performance, global corporate citizenship, and stakeholder management† (D’Amato, Henderson, and Florence, 20 09, p. 2). In addition to CSR, another term that has been coined some time ago and that also explains the public concerns with business is public relations (PR). A comprehensive definition of public relations is; â€Å"PR practice is the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, counseling organizational leaders, and implementing planned programs of action which will serve both organization and public interest† (Wilcox et al. 2003 cited in Sinh, 2007). According to Grunig (2006 cited in Jones and Bartlett, 2009, p, 1), the biggest difficulty practitioners of public relations encounter is the enrollment of public relations in the business practices as an acknowledged management function. The social dimension of a business: Business in society exists because of Social Will. Society permits business to extract the resources that nature has given it since time immemorial, to market products and to provide necessary services to its members with the least side-effects on existing morality, social relationships, and the environment. (Alweiss, 2009). Social conscience of the business requires the entrepreneurs to provide the public with job opportunities, eradicate discrimination from the workplace on the basis of race, gender, religion and culture etc, and adopt such business practices that make it green, environment friendly and sustainable.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Improvements to the Correctional System Assignment

Improvements to the Correctional System - Assignment Example Effective training will help in the realization of these professional principles. Training on effective correctional interventions may allow the prison staff to understand the most professional way of handling inmates. The training might involve correctional system orientation that allows inmates and prison wardens to adopt objectives, social norms, effective interactions, and acceptable practices. The training can also equip the parties with effective communication skills that will foster effective interactions, cross-cultural communication, and professional reporting. Other training may involve the management of inmates and address inmate behaviors and issues that arise in the facility. The training will enable the prison staff to manifest professionalism and integrity in addressing inmates’ issues. Ultimately, the training may revolve around corrections safety and security. The prison staff will gain knowledge on how to maintain a safe and secure environment that will help in eliminating physical, chemical, and biological hazards in the facility. Moreover, correction systems can enhance professionalism by adopting ethical and moral principles in correction facilities. Ideally, maintaining ethics and morality in a correction facility is very challenging. However, correction systems can design and adopt an effective code of ethics that will govern the behavior and interactions between the inmates and prison staff like police guards. The code of ethics will professionalize correctional interventions, correctional decisions, and interactions between the inmates and prison staff. Moreover, the code of ethics will ensure that inmates act ethically and morally towards fellow inmates that will foster the idea of rehabilitation.  Ã‚  

Monday, October 14, 2019

Organization Development Consultant Plan for the Red Cross Essay Example for Free

Organization Development Consultant Plan for the Red Cross Essay The American Red Cross is dedicated to helping people in need throughout the United States. Most of the country may not realize how much the Red Cross accomplishes this noble calling through the dependency on the generous contributions of time, blood, and money from the American public to support their lifesaving services and programs. The American Red Cross also partners with other Red Cross networks, throughout the world to help some of the most marginalized and vulnerable populations. â€Å"Clara Barton and a circle of her acquaintances founded the American Red Cross in Washington, D. C. on May 21, 1881† (Red Cross, 2013d, para. ). Barton accomplished several overseas missions for the Red Cross but eventually came back to the United States and continued her domestic and global efforts for the next 23 years (Red Cross, 2013d). The Red Cross received their first congressional charter in 1900, and the second in 1905, which is still in effect today. The charter â€Å"†¦sets forth the purposes of the organization which includes giving relief to and serving as a medium of communication between members of the American armed forces and their families and providing national and international disaster relief and mitigation† (Red Cross, 2013d, para. ). Since 2006, the Red Cross and FEMA have partnered together to help various government agencies and communities plan and coordinate the provision of food and shelter for people affected by disasters (American Red Cross, 2013d, para. 8). Today, there are over a thousand local chapters throughout the United States (American Red Cross, 2013e, para. 3) that continue the mission of the American Red Cross, fueled by loyal volunteers and contributors. . Organizational Culture The culture of the American Red Cross is built on its dedication to a contemporary mission and vision statement which will guide it through the 21st century, along with seven fundamental principles. Stop  «Ã‚ »Mission Statement (Red Cross, 2013c, para. 1). â€Å"The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors. † Vision Statement (Red Cross, 2013c, para. 2). The American Red Cross, through its strong network of volunteers, donors and partners, is always there in times of need. We aspire to turn compassion into action so that all people affected by disaster across the country and around the world receive care, shelter and hope; our communities are ready and prepared for disasters; everyone in our country has access to safe, lifesaving blood and blood products; all members of our armed services and their families find support and comfort whenever needed; and in an emergency, there are always trained individuals nearby, ready to use their Red Cross skills to save lives. The seven fundamental principles of the Global Red Cross Network consist of the following: Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity, and Universality (American Red Cross, 2013c). These fundamental principles are used as a basic foundation in which to build from and guide all of the Red Cross communities across the globe; keeping everyone in tune with the core values and mission established by Clara Barton so long ago. The Board of Governors serves as the governing body of the American Red Cross, which has all powers overseeing and directing the leadership and management of the business and affairs of the organization. The corporate governance principles of the American Red Cross are found in the Congressional Charter and a series of documents that are reviewed periodically, by the Board of Governors, to ensure that they continue to meet the needs of the organization and reflect best practices (Red Cross, 2013a, para. 1).  In 2007, the American Red Cross devised a comprehensive governance reform that was signed into law by the President of the United States. This reform was an effort to modernize the Board, and provide a more clear oversight and strategic role for the Board. Highlights of governance reforms include: ensuring that Governance procedures provide clear guidance about expectations and enhance Board and individual Board member performance (American Red Cross, 2013a, para. 2). Organizational Leadership over Time The Chairman of the Board and the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), like most executives, play a significant role in the stabilization and future growth of the American Red Cross. The Chairman leads the Board of Governors in the oversight of the organization while the President and CEO implements strategic organizational development and leads the operations of the Red Cross. Currently, two women hold the honor of Chairman and CEO of the American Red Cross; Bonnie McElveen-Hunter and Gail McGovern, respectively (Red Cross, 2013b). â€Å"Ms. McElveen-Hunter is the former U. S.  Ambassador to Finland (2001 – 2003) and the CEO and owner of Pace Communications, Inc. , the largest private custom publishing company in the United States† (Red Cross, 2013b, para. 2) and was appointed as Chairman of the American Red Cross on June 17, 2004. â€Å"Gail J. McGovern was named President and CEO of the American Red Cross on April 8, 2008. After previously holding top management positions at ATT Corporation and Fidelity Investments†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Red Cross, 2013b, para. 3). McGovern has extensive experience running large organizations and a proven track record for improving performance (American Red Cross, 2013b). Current Organizational Development Phenomena Since the inception of the new CEO, Gail McGovern, in 2008, the American Red Cross has undergone several structural changes in an effort to maximize the organizations impact with its available resources. According to McGovern, these efforts to â€Å"†¦improve operational efficiency, cutting unnecessary expenses, modernizing our technological systems, or standardizing blood collection labeling† (Red Cross, 2012, pg. 1) are all directed towards the goal of providing optimal care for those in need. Just in the last year two years alone, the American Red Cross has assisted the tornado victims of Joplin Missouri, which claimed more than 150 lives in 2011; helped those afflicted by numerous wildfires burning in various parts of the West; supplied aid to victims of floods in Florida, due to Tropical Storm Debby; provided much needed help to those living near the Northeast coast who suffered from extensive power outages and damage from Hurricane Sandy, and many, many more vital services that go largely unmentioned throughout the country (Red Cross, 2012). The American Red Cross, clearly, will never run out of work; which requires a leader that is creative, resourceful, dynamic, fluid, and up for complex challenges in an ever changing landscape. Organizational Development Needs The first step in approaching a national giant such as the American Red Cross is to obtain a meeting with current president and CEO, Gail McGovern, for a meaningful dialogue and assessment of her vision for the future of American Red Cross the brand, and American Red Cross the organization (i. e. employees, volunteers, contributors). Clear expectations and limitation on what the organization development consultant’s role will be during the process, as well as future follow-up assessments, must be defined. A well established theory of organizational development, tailored to the American Red Cross, must be adhered to. In this case, I recommend the socio-technical systems theory first developed by Eric Trist. This theory incorporates the idea that organizations are comprised of, and interdependent of, two systems: social and technical; realizing that changes in one cause changes in the other. This approach is best utilized by organizations that directly rely on their material means for their output, and at the core of their existence lays an almost indecipherable difference between their human and non-human systems (Van de Ven Joyce, 1981). Together, the consultant and the CEO will determine how these two components (social and technical) interact within and around the American Red Cross organization, and assess feedback and synergy between the systems for optimal effectiveness. Secondly, a data gathering method must be decided upon to obtain the most relevant and accurate information for basing an organizational strategy upon. There are several methods available, each with inherent positive and negative considerations. However, the CEO must establish what types of information the consultant may and may not have access to; this will limit the choices of methods available. For a national organization that is also a part of a global organization, such as the American Red Cross, a survey/questionnaire is recommended, which focuses on the current climate of the cultural perceptions of the organization by the employees and volunteers. This method allows a consultant to quickly yield data, address a broad range of topics, compare the data across groups, maintain anonymity, and easily repeat the process for follow-up purposes for the next two years and beyond. Other data gathering methods such as observation and focus groups are also recommended but with full disclosure and acknowledgement that they are both time-consuming and limited for a national organization; consideration should be given to reserve these methods for upper-level management as needed (Anderson, 2012, pp. 119-150). Once the information desired is agreed upon with Gail McGovern, then the method and design of the data gathering tool can be implemented. Next, gathering and interpreting the data correctly to ensure maximum benefit for the proposed intervention(s) is critical. I suggest using a detailed system of deductive analysis that makes coding data easier, helps with data interpretation, and communicating it to the client. It would also be useful to also incorporate inductive analysis as well to pull out key themes that may be evident (Anderson, 2012, pp. 19-150). Once, this is done, a feedback meeting, with Gail McGovern, should be set up to discuss the results derived from the data, proposed intervention(s), and strategic planning. Keep in mind, however, the data should be reviewed at least one more time prior to the meeting to ensure that it accurate, and has not violated any established ethical considerations. This attention to detail cannot be emphasized enough as the interpretation of th e data unveils the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. This, in turn, will directly affect the stability and future direction of the organization as it strives to grow and thrive in a vastly competitive environment over arguably shrinking economic resources. Organizational Development Recommendations Based on the results and interpretation of the data, intervention(s) may be suggested that are in line with Gail McGovern’s vision for American Red Cross; a vision for stability and increased revenue and partnerships (Red Cross, 2012). Therefore, I would turn your attention to the Kotter’s Model (Kotter International, 2012) as a step-by-step guide for a national organization, with a global reach, that embraces change and is ready to whole-heartedly commit to such a program that is proven to yield incredible performance benefits when followed long-term (see both Chart 1 and Chart 2-pg. 12). Implementing step one is vital, developing a sense of urgency (Kotter International, 2012). The CEO must develop a sense of urgency, regarding her vision for the future of the American Red Cross, amongst the employees, volunteers, and contributors. This is accomplished by first determining the current climate of the organization through the data gathering methods mentioned previously, which establishes a base-line from which to monitor progress, and then devising organization strategies (media, social-media, print-media, etc†¦) to disseminate the vision quickly and develop the sense of urgency necessary. The second step of Kotter’s Model involves putting together the right coalition of people to lead a change initiative which is critical to the success of McGovern’s vision for the future (Kotter International, 2012). The American Red Cross currently has a stellar mix of dedicated people at the highest levels. However, objective observation and analysis of upper-level team meetings is recommended in order to evaluate current synergy, or lack thereof, and add team building workshops as needed to address and facilitate trust, relationship building, communication and collaboration across various branches of the organization. In a rapidly changing world, complex organizations, such as the American Red Cross, are forced to make decisions more quickly and with less certainty than they would like. Effective leaders must make productive decisions under these ircumstances; therefore, it is paramount that all of the teams develop a level of trust in one another. The third step involves establishing a clear vision which serves three important purposes (Kotter International, 2012). A clear vision simplifies the complex, motivates people, and helps implement the actions efficiently. McGovern must be unmistakably clear in stating her vision for the American Red Cross, the path in which the organization must follow to be successful in accomplishing the vision, the expectations of each leader who reports directly to her, the benchmarks for measurement of progress, and a method for objective follow-up. The fourth step is gaining an understanding and commitment to a new direction (Kotter International, 2012). This step is imperative to core of the vision. In order to establish an understanding and commitment to the new vision for the American Red Cross from the current leaders, McGovern must commit herself to communication in all ways, and at every level of the organization possible. Multiple channels of communication must be used to enforce the message of the vision, and up-dates on the progress, frequently to keep everyone aware of the goal, and their importance to the overall success of the organization. This can be accomplished in various ways, such as: daily motivational huddles (15 minutes or less to focus on the days objectives), monthly meetings to maintain continuity, quarterly newsletter to monitor progress, yearly meetings with upper-management to communicate goals and celebrate achievements. The fifth step involves empowering broad-based action (Kotter International, 2012). Having a clear and realistic understanding that creating a new vision, and establishing new cultural norms, is not without its obstacles is essential to McGovern as she attempts to realign the American Red Cross with her vision. Implementing proven management problem-solving methods, as well as on-going training is crucial. Furthermore, all action plans must be analyzed in order to ensure that management has all of the necessary tools and up-to-date information for successful implementation of the change vision. Lastly, utilizing electronic surveys help to speed up feedback and provide information for people to do their jobs more efficiently.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Salmon Rushdie :: essays papers

Salmon Rushdie In a world that is ready to criticize the slightest fault, or impropriety of a person's character, or way of thinking, authors, such as Salmon Rushdie, are continually under fire. In his writings, Rushdie takes the aspects of typical every day life and satirizes them in a way that enables his readers to realize how nonsensical they may be. Through centuries of diverse writing and literary changes, one thing remains the same: writers, no matter who they are, or what their standing in society is, will be criticized. Salmon Rushdie, although a modern writer, is faced with much criticism that earlier writers also faced. In June of 1947, in Bombay, India, a child was born. A child who would grow up to become one of the most outspoken and radical writers of this modern era. Born in a time of political unrest (DISCovering), and a newly found freedom for India from British rule, Rushdie would grow not to find freedom through his writings, but a deep rooted criticism. Educated at The Cathedral Boys' School, and then Cambridge, Rushdie had a refined learning experience. When Rushdie started his career in writing he was unable to support himself and therefore held jobs such as acting and copyrighting until he was able to himself support as a writer. Rushdie's first published book, Grimus, tells the story of an American Indian who receives the gift of immortality and begins an odessy to find the meaning of life. Initially this work attracted the attention of the science fiction readers(DISCovering). The books genre is very often disagreed upon by critics, and has been called a fable, fantasy, political satire, and magical realism(DISCovering). Being "an ambitious, strikingly confident first work(DISCovering)," Rushdie was able to establish himself in the literary world as a writer. In his second book, Rushdie turned back to his homeland to find the subject that he wished to write about. Midnight's Children chronicles the recent history of India, beginning in 1947 when the country became free from British rule(DISCovering). In this allegorical work, Rushdie uses the characters to represent hopes as well as the frustrating realities of India's newly found freedom. Shame is Rushdie's third book. In this work he presents an astonishing account of events in an unnamed country that strongly resembles Pakistan. The major theme in this work is shame verses honor. The Satanic Verses is probably Rushdie's most popular and most controversial work. In this ambiguous work, Rushdie explores the themes relating to good and evil, religious faith and fanaticism, illusion verses reality, and the plight of Indians who have relocated to Great Britain.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

My Decision to Teach :: College Admissions Essays

My Decision to Teach There are many reasons people decide to enter the teaching field. Some enter because they enjoy working with people or children, others because they like being off during the summer months, and still others because of their love for a particular subject. Although all these reasons are valid, I feel my reasons are much simpler. The bottom line is that I love kids and enjoy working with them. My desire to make learning a more positive experience for them has only increased with time. I knew very early in life that I enjoyed working with children; I am drawn to their eagerness to learn, their trusting nature, and their inquisitive minds. It has always been a joy for me to be around children, who are eager to learn. Children are thrilled when an adult takes time to read to them. After hearing a story only a couple of times, they are like a tape recorder set on replay. Their thirst for knowledge is overwhelming. At the elementary level, children also tend to have a very trusting nature. They rely heavily on their elders for guidance. Most children are very honest with their feelings and don't try to hide them. This is a crucial time in a child's life; it is a time when teachers and parents should be molding them for the future. It seems their minds are always working on something which makes them extremely inquisitive. Their curiosities seem never to be satisfied. Children are always asking "why?" even when they know the answer. The inquisitive child wan ts to know the how's, when's, and where's of everything. Because of my early interest in children, I developed a strong desire to teach; consequently, I sought out jobs that allowed me varied experiences with children. My first experience was baby-sitting. Here I quickly learned that children must be told precisely what to do. For example, "Go wash your hands with soap and dry them right now." Or, "You must take your shoes off and then you may get into the bathtub." From the many baby-sitting jobs I had, I soon discovered that if I did not have a plan the day would be total chaos. As early as thirteen I became familiar with the need for structure and creativity when dealing with younger children and found myself loving every minute of it.

Friday, October 11, 2019

No Cigarettes, No Smoking

The harm of smoking is a hot issue which has being discussed in many countries for a long time. There are 1. 2 billion of smokers in this world, which is one-fifth of the world population. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that adult male smokers lost an average of 13. 2 years of life and female smokers lost 14. 5 years of life because of smoking. Even though people know that cigarette is bad for health, they still have freedom of smoking. Nowadays, both producing and smoking cigarettes are still free choices especially in America because as Americans we first protect our freedoms and the government gives us rights to choose our own ways of life include the free market economy for producing cigarettes and the freedom of smoking. But cigarettes have nothing good for health. It not only kills the smokers themselves but also harms the non-smokers by breathing second-hand smokers, which should be considered as murder. So governments should make law to stop producing cigarettes completely. Smoking cigarettes may increase the risk of many health problems. According to the 1982 United States Surgeon General's report, â€Å"Cigarette smoking is the major single cause of cancer mortality [death] in the United States. † Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of 90% of lung cancers which is one of the hardest cancers to treat and others cancers in the mouth, larynx, esophagus, kidney. It may also cause heart disease, aneurysms and stroke, etc. Besides, breathing secondhand smoke is also harmful, just like the 2006 US Surgeon General's report said that the secondhand smoke kills children and adults who don't smoke. So, we should find a way to save the lives of the smokers and protect the non-smokers from smoking. There are already variety ways to control smoking, but none of these ideas can stop smoking completely. For example, people think schools should teach kids and teenagers about the harms of smoking because education is the best way to keep their children out of reach of cigarettes. All the high schools in United States have health class which teaches teenagers the health problems that would caused by smoking. I remember that when I was in high school, we had two speakers telling us their smoking experiences. They are two old men who had smoked or many years and when they talked to us, they had to breathe through a hole in their throat. After that class, I felt that I hate smoking much more than before, and I believed that class would help motivate teenagers to get away from cigarettes. However, there are still many teenage smokers who don’t care enough about their own health, the y just want to get the short term excitement but never think about the long term effects. According to Harris’s statement in â€Å"The Tipping Point†, even early education of dangers of smoking doesn't work so well. â€Å"Telling teenagers about the health risks of smoking — It will make you wrinkled! It will make you impotent! It will make you dead! — is useless† (The Tipping Point 249). This tells us another truth which is that children don’t care about what adults are saying, but what they are doing. It is impossible for adults to produce and smoke cigarettes, and teach the children not to smoke at the same time. Tobacco products in the UAE found another way to discourage smoking. They carry graphics of blackened lungs and a hemorrhaged-impacted brain on cigarette packs to warn the smokers about the dangers of smoking. This is only a reminder of the dangers of smoking but not an action to stop it. Smokers will buy cigarettes no matter what graphic is on the pack, and the problem of smoking will be still there unsolved. Making law to ban smoking seems like a good idea and many governments have doing it. Singapore is the best example of smoking ban and it has been extended to almost all the public places. According to the present law of smoking ban in Singapore, â€Å"Smokers found flouting the rules are fined a minimum S $200 Singapore dollar up to a maximum of S$1000 if convicted in court, while the managers of the establishments are fined S$200 for a first offence, and S$500 for a subsequent offence. This idea is much better than others. But the problem is that no matter what punishment is it, if someone wants to have a cigarette, they will always find a place to smoke. Besides the examples that I mentioned above, in Gladwell’s book, he also states many other things that people have tried for controlling smoking. â€Å"The anti-smoking movement has focused, so far, on raising cigarette prices, curtailing cigarette advertising, running public health messages on radio and television, limiting access of cigarettes to minors, and drilling anti-tobacco messages into schoolchildren. (TP 250) If any of these ideas have been worked out, we won’t be discussing smoking issue now. I believe that all the methods include the anti-smoking movement are helpful to control smoking and discourage people to smoke less. But we have to face the truth which is that once there are people producing cigarettes, there will be people smoking. In fact cigarette is the guilty agent and it should not be produced. Thus, stop producing cigarettes is the only solution to solve the smoking problem thoroughly and save people’s lives. In the past, we have to use many different ways to discourage smoking because people smoke for different reasons. But if there’s no cigarette in this planet, people who smoke for relieving stress and boosting mood will find other healthy activities to do to relax themselves instead of smoking. Many teenagers who smoke because they’re curious, want to try something dangerous, or to act like adults, won’t have these kinds of thoughts at all if no one around them smoke. And for the heavy smokers who are already addicted and failed to quit smoking, there will be no more temptation. Since here is a solution which can solve all the problems at one time, why don’t we try it? Stop producing cigarettes will affect the benefits of the Cigarettes Company producers and the governments, and it may also lead to unemployment in tobacco industry, so it is the governments’ responsibility to make a law of it to lead and urge all the people include the producers and the smokers to practice together and make this solution works. Although it is not an easy thing to do and it must take long time to be done, we should start from small step and make it come true, because no matter which country we are from, as human we suppose to have at least one common value that health is much more important than material benefits, in fact it is the most important thing in everyone’s life.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Employee Turnover and Its Effect on Performance of a Hospitality Industry Essay

Hospitality industry is an industry that provide the servives of food, drink and lodging facilities. The hospitality industry comprise of commercial and welfare sector. The commercial sector includes the hotel, restaurant, inn, guest house, vending services etc and the welfare sector are the hospitals, aged and welfare homes, etc. in the cause of this research, we will be looking in the commercial sector narrowing it down to the hotel sector. According to ( )the ratio of the number of workers that had to be replaced in a given time period to the average number of workers Employee turnover is the process of replacing one worker with another for any reason. A turnover rate is the percentage of employees that a company must replace within a given time period. When employees leave a company and have to be replaced, that’s called turnover. Some employees will always retire, move away, go back to school, or leave the workforce. This level of turnover is not only unavoidable, it can be beneficial. It brings new people into the organization with new ideas and a fresh perspective. Employees’ turnover is a well-recognized issue of critical importance to the organizations. Lack of employees’ continuity involves high costs in the induction and training of new staff. Organizational productivity is also one of the challenges that arise as a consequence of turnover (Siong et al, 2006). Employee’s turnover is a widely researched phenomenon. A huge amount of theoretical and empirical literature identified various factors/reasons responsible for employees’ turnover. However, there is no standard reason why people leave organization (Ongori, 2007).

Bounty Paper Towel Add

Bounty, the quick picker upper! When we see a commercial on our T. V. screens today, we always see in print or hear the narrator telling us that their product or the service they are promoting to us is one of the best of its kind. They use all types of appeals and techniques to reel us in, making whatever they are trying to sell to us either pretty, shiny, worth-buying, or they use bold simple states telling us things such as, â€Å"Once you get it, you won’t be able to live without it. By using these statements and methods of gaining viewers, the ad or commercial gains what it truly aspired for; attention and the need and/or desire to buy the product. In the ad â€Å"Bounty Big Spills† the bold statement and exaggerated visuals are created to intrigue the consumer to buy a useful household item. Rhetorical devices can be used in multiple ways and they can be represented to us in many different forms. In advertisements, the most blatant rhetorical language is shown thr ough the element of visual rhetorical devices and figures.In the ad for â€Å"Bounty Big Spills† paper towels, we can closely analyze the main devices the author/creator uses to appeal to the audience. First off, the hyperbole is the overall device used to appeal to us; it designates a relatable incident of society and family issues in our mind but by maximizing the paper towels to the largest potential, which brings about the easy use and reliability of it. In the ad by â€Å"Bounty† there displays a large scaled coffee cup that has spilled and clearly needs some kind of cleanup.When looked at more closely, you notice a just as gigantic pack of â€Å"Bounty Paper Towels† next to the spill, indicating that the towels are big enough to handle any mess. Big or small. The motto â€Å"Makes small work of BIG spills† is displayed on the paper towels and presents the message to the audience that even the biggest Popsicle or coffee mess is no trouble for a sheet of paper towels by â€Å"Bounty†. It presents this through immense exaggerations of messes that would usually be scaled minimally rather than to the max.It also uses relatable visuals of coffee cups, popsicles, and a familiar New York and Los Angeles setting to relate to the audience and the nature of messes and society. The mix of visuals and hyperboles reminds the reader/audience that the product is grand, extremely effective, and better than anything out there. Paper towels aren’t grand in any aspect, but they do have effectiveness in clean up that most mothers/dads/parents love to see and through this ad, feel that the messes shown are no match for Bounty.When considering the intended obvious for this ad, it was difficult to narrow down the select group that the author is trying to adhere to. However, when closely observing the ad, it’s evident that moms, dads, parents in general, and on-the-go working people is the intended audience for this advertisement. This is because the visual image shows a Popsicle, which helps relate to a child’s mess throughout the day. By relating the Popsicle mess to that of a young child’s mess, the ad did a profound job of connecting the two, thus presenting an argument that even the biggest Popsicle dropped by a child is no match for Bounty.On the other hand, a â€Å"Starbucks† coffee cup is also portrayed as one of the messes, making the working class or on-the-go parents, an audience as well. Because of this representation of the on-the-go folk, Bounty broadened its audience level and appealed to more consumers. Some ads are made to send a direct message to their intended audience. As paper towel ads go, there are more explicit or direct messages that state â€Å"This paper towel can clean up any spills! † On the other hand, Bounty’s use of implicit and explicit messages conveys a sense of established creditability with the audience.The most obviously demonstrated an d expressed message of â€Å"Makes small work of BIG spills† contradicts the implicit message that sure, it makes small work of big spills, but paper waste adds pollution to our population versus using cloth towels. The hidden message of complication within our society falls short of the intended message; however, the pollution factor has to be taken into consideration before buying such a fast and easy acting product. Sure, for some, that message would never be brought to light making the decision to buy Bounty, a no brainer.But for some, that might be the deciding factor in whether or not they purchase it. Bounty paper towels have been commonly known to pick up messes. However, when the hyperboles and enlarged items are shown in this way, it makes it seem like the brand is now bigger and better than ever. Designed with children and parents in mind, the author uses logical appeals of â€Å"big messes† to appeal to the intended audience. He does this in a way that sets the audience up for an ultimatum.You choices are to either buy the paper towels or have a 14 foot Popsicle on the floor in your kitchen. The answer is obvious here. By alluring the audience through definitive logic, the author implies that without â€Å"Bounty†, you will have messes galore. The display of two oversized items defends his implication. Bounty does an exceptional job of achieving their audience and their positive reaction. Despite the fact that the pollution factor might be an issue to a select few folks, Bounty’s message would nonetheless receive a positive and controlled response.Though there are other brands of paper towels, â€Å"Bounty’s† creation of a special advertisement that enhances their product to make it seem larger and better quality than any other pursues the intended reaction of â€Å"I need to buy this! † They create this reaction through hyperboles and implicit messages that suggest that even a 14 foot coffee spill c an be cleaned up with a simple paper towel. Works Cited Bounty Paper Towels, Bounty. Advertisement. 4 April 2009. 1. Print

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Role of the European Capital of Culture Research Paper

Role of the European Capital of Culture - Research Paper Example There also lies a threat of consistency â€Å"as the cities are seeking to fulfill a format of the ideal ECC† (Palonen, 2011, p.246). After studying three applications related to the ECC 2008 as well as the argument surrounding the bid, various researchers, including Griffiths, has claims that â€Å"the ECC bidding process managed to articulate differences between the cities, and their distance to the local and regional strategies† (Palonen, 2011, p.246). Hitherto, while creating dissimilarities between cities, areas and even presenting insights to Europe which vary, the thoughts of culture are somewhat similar. And also are the characteristics of the programmes as well as their applications (Palonen, 2011, p.246).  Ã‚   In respect to the policy process, all the European cities become symbols of Europe as the ‘family of cultures’. The examination on this super-occurrence could center on the institutions as well as on the actors of the procedure; however, in various articles, a novel viewpoint is required. This explores how the process of institutionalization associated with the cultural models of Europe, partaking as well as special effects (habitually gentrification) are restricted in the liberty of the city performance artistic interferences as an element of the official programme related to two closely linked with ECCs. The degree of inspection is related to the micro-context that is associated with ‘an encounter between the locals and the intervention staged by ‘cultural workers’ including the author herself’. Originally, it has been the thought of nominating the â€Å"European City of Culture† that has been voiced in the year 1983 by the â€Å"Greek Minister of Culture†, Melina Mercouri. In this regard, ECCs has been chosen since the year 1985 and also the policy has been shifted over the passage of time.  Ã‚  

Monday, October 7, 2019

Critically discuss the value of social representations theory to the Essay

Critically discuss the value of social representations theory to the social sciences in particulary to the science of history - Essay Example The use of social representation theory by social and political scientists is also studied to understand the limitations of such theories and I discuss how this could be used constructively in different social contexts and situations. Social representation is important in communication as communication helps people to interact and social representation provides the common ground of understanding of concepts or ideas. Ideas outside the common understanding or which don't have particular meaning may be difficult to grasp and social representations theory actually provide the meaning of concepts within particular social groups. It aids in understanding of concepts and thus facilitates communication. Social representation has been described as a system of values, ideas and practices that enables individuals to orient themselves in a material and social world and also enable communication among members of a particular community as social representation provides a code for social exchange and classifies various aspects of the world and individual group history (Moscovici, 1973). The meanings of words are concepts that have been established through social and the interpretations of meanings and ideas tend to depend on negotiation largely as related to the social environment. Although these meanings of concepts become fixed and definite, social representation is largely contextual and depends on a social background or environment. Thus certain concepts tend to have cultural connotations so some concepts understood by certain individuals of a community may not be clear to people of other communities. The development of social representations could be psychological and also social as along with provide social context to ideas, social representation theory helps individuals in terms of psychological growth. Howarth (2006) discusses Moscovici (1972) to answer what is the aim of social research and the social representation perspective and whether these theories support or criticize social order and how social theories consolidate or transform social order. The influence of social representation theory on social order or reality or the relation between social representation theory and social order is thus obvious in this discussion. Howarth provides an overview of social representations perspective and suggests that there may be certain underdeveloped issues within the social representation theory and its application that will need addressing. There are certain issues within the analysis of social representation theory for example that which deals with the relationship between psychological processes and social practices, legitimization of different knowledge systems, and resistance or change in construction of self identity (Howarth, 2006) that may not have been discussed in detail by so cial theorists. The role of representations in reality and idealization is also equally important in deconstruction or analysis of social theories. Thus social theories seem to be dependent on several factors related to representation and construction, knowledge systems and psychological aspects of identity. Several social theorists have given the wider applications of

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Project Specification and Design Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Project Specification and Design Report - Essay Example For example, the risk affiliated with definite types of instrumentation making it non- workable to have the instrumentation established in an administrative center. this is the method that is used to decrease the entire quantity of corporal break, damage or hammering that consequences in an accidental failure. They may be in the appearance of supervising and direct procedures or more dependable operational processes, or merely by budding and carrying out plans to manage commotion usage.( Robert C. et al 2003 pg. 289) A risk dominance procedure that regards the contract variable of a wholesome risk from one festivity to another. For example, the buy of an indemnity plans, by which a precise risk of thrashing is approved from the customer to the insurance company. Other examples are cleaving to nontoxic articles in many declarations, legal agreement demands to offer assurance reporting for another party's assistance, and insurance. How to alleviate the threat: undertaking the lowest fee, display revisit on asset (ROI), put in cost with additional services, be paid for a headship position in your business, and recommend installment defrayals. How to alleviate the threat: present a test time to experiment the manufactured goods or service; illustrate even or close in a race or competition or comparison; come along with standard dealer lists; associate with existing dealer or generate premeditated alignments; and suggest level reduction in price. Professional risk. How will this conclusion have an effect on specialized position in the eyes of others, and how might vocation and individual improvement be exaggerated How to alleviate the threat: suggest customer recommendations and acknowledgments, propose an elevated level of data for decision-making, tutor aspects on how to advertise the clarification to higher administration, and meet up with all fundamental persons and decision-makers. Security plan to guarantee exchange of information: Concentrate on consequences, not chronologies. Even though it's frequently intelligent to extend to five year plan for

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Analyzing advertisements the danger of smoking Essay

Analyzing advertisements the danger of smoking - Essay Example contribute unfavorable pregnancy outcome resulting to death and even poor health of the fetus (Ricci and Kyle, 744; Hanson, Venturelli and Fleckenstein, 307). The sad thing, both the mainstream and secondhand smoke from tobacco could have adverse impact on fetus (Hanson, Venturelli and Fleckenstein, 307). Considering that health warnings placed on tobacco package have continuously received acceptance from various countries, it seems there is observed substantial effectiveness on them, particularly on disseminating information about the health dangers associated with smoking. The goal in most of these ads is to continuously keep everyone knowledgeable about the peril of smoking, not just on the smokers’ health, but including non-smokers’ having no exemption for unborn babies. Ads like these must be degrading to tobacco products, but for as long as these offerings continue to contribute high amount of tax, the government can only regulate warnings such as â€Å"Government Warning: Cigarette Smoking is Dangerous to your Health,† which in some countries have been revolutionized by placing actual pictorials of health warnings on tobacco package, just as presented in this

Friday, October 4, 2019

Current event in medical organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Current event in medical organization - Essay Example consequently, such prescriptions could result into addiction, occasional psychosis and anxiety. Doctors recommend timely diagnosis which works to counter the effects of the disorder at least at an early age. The American Psychiatric Association is working on a bid to ensure that an increased number of teenagers can access prescribed medication after diagnosis. This article reveals the disorder is as a result of abnormal chemical imbalance in the brain. The chemicals interfere with an individual’s attention skills and impulse control as well. Patient and doctors advocates have never seized to differ of the rising diagnosis rates. Proponents hold the school of thought that the rising rates indicate proper management of the disorder. Opponents on the other hand think that the respective prescriptions only work to calm an individual’s behavior. The disorder can readily be determined through extensive talks with parents, patients and teachers. However, the rising cases of diagnosis and treatment of the disorder should be well managed in order to strike a reasonable balance (Schwarz and Cohen, 2). In line with class work, the article revisits thus highlights the disorder a major in the American society. One is able to understand how the A.D.H.D disorder has been well advertises thus increasing the sale of respective treatments. Additionally, that if left untreated, the disorder could easily affect a child’s academic performance is a genuine concern that only calls for proactive attitude when dealing with the disorder. Alonso-Zaldivar (2) questions the significance of marketing to resolving pertinent issues associated with Obamacare. Obama’s initiative has since received mixed reactions from various stakeholders. It is no wonder that the initiative has been viewed as complex and controversial. This has forced the government to invest heavily on mass marketing to promote awareness in the country. This initiative has been shot

Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Use of Hand-held Cameras in “After Life” Essay Example for Free

The Use of Hand-held Cameras in â€Å"After Life† Essay Hirokazu Kore-eda’s â€Å"After Life† portrays the importance of making beautiful memories that would last forever. It is about death but deals more with choosing the best memory a dead person can remember and wants to remember for the rest of eternity. Twenty-two souls came to a â€Å"waystation† between life and death where they were asked to choose one precious memory. After choosing a memory, it would be recreated and filmed by the â€Å"staff† at the station. The â€Å"staff† were also dead persons who were not able to leave the place because of difficulty in choosing the memory they want to take with them. In this movie, hand-held camera techniques are used in a concrete pattern to recreate the dead peoples memories. The cameras were also used to record their interviews wherein they try to explain and give details of their specific memories. This was especially seen with the prostitute, pilot, and Tatara Kimiko. According to Kore-eda, he used scripted and unscripted dialogs in the film by non-actors and professional actors (Derek, 1998, n. p). He actually included non-actors to relate their real memories. In the beginning of the movie, characters were filmed with fixed cameras and they were seen having a hard time choosing their memories. However, with hand-held camera scenes, they were able to choose their memories easily. Although in the scenes where hand-held cameras were used seemed as informal scenes compared to the others, the characters can be seen talking comfortably. It seems that they were having a normal conversation as opposed to a formal interview. The characters were more at ease with the hand-held cameras. This might be because hand-held cameras do not seem as intimidating as those normally used in making movies. Also, when these cameras are used, it can only seem as though a home movie is being done and not a formal movie. The first scene where a hand-held camera was used was when the prostitute was having tea with Takuro Sugie, one of the counselors. They had their conversation in a casual way while drinking tea. The hand-held camera technique started when the counselor showed a picture of a demolished hotel to her, which was a part of her chosen memory. The counselor then found out that something was not right. Soon thereafter, he realized that the prostitute lied about her age. Feeling guilty, she admitted that she lied and even related that she was not with anyone that day and was actually waiting for a man. The hand-held camera focused on her while she was telling the truth, and this showed the development of her character. The second hand-held camera technique appeared on the pilot and Kawashima’s conversation. Kawashima brought pictures of airplanes so he could figure out and recreate the pilots memory and the specific plane that the pilot flew that day. The third hand-held camera technique was when Tatara Kimiko was drawing a red dress on the paper, which she would present to Kawashima. She seemed to be using an unscripted dialog because she was seen struggling to recall her memories. Because it is very natural to forget some things, this was considered unscripted. In the scene, the hand-held camera focused on the red dress that she was sketching because it was the most important part of her memory and would be used on the set to recreate her memory. Hand-held camera techniques appeared throughout the movie while the memories were being recreated. The cameras tried to capture every detail of their stories and facial expressions so that real emotions can be seen by the viewers. In Tatara Kimiko’s scene where she was trying to teach a certain dance to a little girl, the camera followed her every move and kept the focus on her face rather than the little girl learning the dance. This scene is considered unscripted because she tried to remember the dance and even changed some of the details because she was not able to remember the exact details of the dance. The hand-held cameras tried to record her real story in a natural way and she would not have the chance to make up things because this would be easily seen on hand-held cameras. The movie â€Å"After Life† demonstrates hand-held camera techniques that will allow the viewers to get close with the characters. Compared with other cameras, hand-held cameras are able to show the real emotions and sensitivity of the characters. This is seen in scenes where characters tend to talk in an unscripted way in order to capture the real story and recreate this on the set. Real emotions can be seen when individuals are on their most unguarded moments. This is when people do and say things that they normally keep to themselves because they feel that no one is listening. Although it may seem to be an invasion of ones privacy, it is a very good way to record a persons true character, which would help make a great recreation of a memory. Hand-held cameras make it easier for viewers to understand the development of the characters of the movie. This movie shows how important memories are to a persons life. It is hard to choose one memory from all the years of existence of one individual but it is harder to remember the specific details of that one memory. It is like a dream where everything is blurred and only a certain moment or conversation of the whole memory can be remembered. Moreover, the pressure of choosing one special memory out of all the memories a person can have to take in eternity is also hard. Certainly, one memory is not enough. Because memories are hard to remember, which makes it hard to recreate, hand-held cameras contribute greatly in the making of this movie. There are just some things that can be only seen through the lens of a hand-held camera and this is what makes â€Å"After Life† a